Just a thought.
I should write more.
Labels: Roberta Vasquez, writer's block, writing, yellow cling peaches in heavy syrup
"...difficile est saturam non scribere. Nam quis iniquae tam patiens urbis, tam ferreus, ut teneat se..." "...it is hard not to write Satire. For who is so tolerant of the unjust City, so steeled, that he can restrain himself... Juvenal, The Satires (1.30-32) akakyakakyevich@gmail.com
I should write more.
Labels: Roberta Vasquez, writer's block, writing, yellow cling peaches in heavy syrup
At 11:40 AM,
ETat said…
That's deep, man
At 12:03 PM,
Akaky said…
You bet it is. I trust all is well with you and yours, Tat.
At 9:08 AM,
ETat said…
How they say in British Crime Drama: "as well as could be expected".
Yes, please write - and you're always welcome to visit
At 6:38 AM,
ETat said…
At 8:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Working on something
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